A Brief History of OPERS

Nearly 3,700 public employers in Ohio are part of the OPERS system. While most know OPERS as the retirement system for state employees, did you also know…

Today OPERS serves more than 1 million members:

Historically about two-thirds of OPERS’ revenue, from which benefits are paid, is derived from investment returns. The remaining one-third of the revenue comes from employee and employer contributions made as a percentage of payroll, with limits established in the Ohio Revised Code.

Nearly 90 percent of OPERS retirees live in Ohio, spending the vast majority of retirement dollars on goods and services in the state. Every year OPERS distributes more than $6.8 billion in pension payments and health care coverage to OPERS retirees and their beneficiaries.

One out of every 12 Ohioans relies on OPERS for retirement, disability and/or survivor benefits. For more than 80 years, OPERS has always made its benefit payments.

The following is a brief historical snapshot of OPERS and a look at our current membership makeup.

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