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How can I find a medical plan when retiring? The OPERS Connector administered by Via Benefits

Via Benefits serves as the OPERS Connector for both Pre-Medicare and Medicare-eligible OPERS benefit recipients. When you select an individual plan through Via Benefits, you can use Via Benefits' ongoing support for HRA administration, carrier claim resolution and medical plan questions. All OPERS benefit recipients are welcome to use the OPERS Connector to find a medical plan, even if they don’t qualify for the HRA. Dependents can also enroll in a plan with the help of Via Benefits.

Via Benefits – Pre-Medicare
1-833-939-1215 (linnk opens in new tab)

Via Benefits – Medicare
1-844-287-9945 (link opens in new tab)

I am:

Not Yet Eligible for Medicare Medicare-eligible

Pre-Medicare benefit recipients

As a Pre-Medicare benefit recipient, you can enroll in any medical plan you choose. Although it's not required, if you are looking for a medical plan, we highly recommend exploring coverage options with the OPERS Connector. Via Benefits is a resource that helps benefit recipients understand and navigate individual and family health plan options.
Via Benefits isn't an insurance carrier. It's a company that provides:

Male Pre-Medicare-eligible OPERS benefit recipient
  • Consulting – Via Benefits helps you understand your funding options. If you qualify for a federal subsidy, Via Benefits will walk you through a side-by-side comparison to help you decide between taking advantage of the federal subsidy or opting in to the OPERS HRA if eligible. By law, you can't have both at the same time.
  • Education, support, and assistance – Via Benefits provides these services to benefit recipients and their dependents when selecting and enrolling in individual or family coverage options.
  • HRA administrative services – Via Benefits reviews claims and issues reimbursements for all eligible recipients that opt into the HRA.
  • Ongoing benefit recipient support after medical plan enrollment – Via Benefits is an experienced, informed, and unbiased Connector that will help you understand your medical plan details at any time and help you re-evaluate your needs on an annual basis.


Next: Am I required to enroll in Medicare?

Medicare benefit recipients

Benefit recipients who are Medicare-eligible must enroll in Medicare Parts A and B and then in a Medicare medical plan through Via Benefits to receive monthly HRA deposits from OPERS.

With the help of a Via Benefits Licensed Benefit Advisor, benefit recipients enrolled in both Medicare Parts A and B select a Medicare Advantage plan or Medigap (Medicare Supplement) as well as a Medicare Part D prescription drug plan on the individual Medicare market. Via Benefits is a resource, providing access to a wide assortment of Medicare plans from over 90 of the largest and most popular national and regional health insurance companies.


Next: Am I required to enroll in Medicare?