Member-Directed Plan Refunding from the Member-Directed Plan

As a member of OPERS, you have options if you decide to leave public employment: you can refund your contributions or leave your account on deposit with OPERS. Both options will impact your status with OPERS.

Refunding from OPERS

This page contains specific information concerning refunding from the Member-Directed Plan. To learn the basics of refunding, check out the refunds page.

How Your Refund is Calculated in the Member-Directed Plan

If you refund your Member-Directed Plan account, you will receive the contributions you’ve made to OPERS, plus any corresponding investment earnings or losses.

You may also receive the vested portion of the employer contributions, plus any investment gains or losses, depending on the number of years you have attained in the plan. (See accompanying table)

Any non-vested employer contributions are forfeited when you refund.

Retiree Medical Account

When you refund your account (or begin receiving a retirement benefit), you become eligible to use the vested funds in your Retiree Medical Account for the reimbursement of qualified health care expenses.

The amount in your retiree medical account you are entitled to use is based on your years of participation in the Member-Directed Plan and your date of hire or plan change effective date.

Leaving your Account on Deposit in the Member-Directed Plan

You are not obligated to refund your contributions when you terminate your OPERS-covered job.

When you terminate public employment, you may leave your account on deposit with OPERS until:

Things to consider when leaving your account on deposit with OPERS


Your account balance remains subject to daily gains and losses associated with the specific investment options you have chosen until your balance is liquidated. If you would like to make a change to your investment options(s) between now and the time your account balance is liquidated, please visit and log into your online account or call OPERS to manage your defined contribution account.

OPERS cannot guarantee the date when your investment account balance will be liquidated. While OPERS and the retirement system’s third-party administrator for the Member-Directed Plan follow standard procedures to process retirement/refund distribution, unforeseen circumstances can occur that cause delays in processing.

Returning to an OPERS-covered Position in the Member-Directed Plan

Returning after taking a refund

You cannot restore or purchase refunded Member-Directed Plan participation in any OPERS plan.

Returning after leaving your account on deposit

If you don't take a refund – you will pick up right where you left off when you return to OPERS-covered service – and continue contributing to the Member-Directed Plan.

More information

This page contains specific information concerning refunding from the Member-Directed Plan. To learn more about refunding your OPERS account, visit the Refunds page.

Your account value in the Member-Directed Plan or the defined contribution portion of your Combined Plan is not a guaranteed amount. It is dependent on the performance of the investment options you select.